Great therapy can feel like magic, but it’s actually not. Learn how meaningful and effective therapy works. Because we really can’t understand what someone is going through until we walk in their shoes, right?
How to prepare for your first therapy appointment, and learn what to expect in therapy sessions. However, we must choose at some point whether we want to stay miserable or find meaning in our suffering. Barb did not know about my mom and how giving she was, yet she was able to deliver the perfect message at the perfect time. The client did the meaning making and that makes all the difference to the experience itself. For instance, how do we make sense of the drudgery of work?
This rings true with my coaching clients’ experiences, and my own frequent attempts at job crafting throughout my career. Given “good enough” organizations and bosses, we can intentionally create a sense of “more than enough” at work. But if our environments are stifling, conflict-laden, hierarchically rigid and/or inhumane, all the efforts in the world won’t make a difference. But for the growing population of non-religious folks, meaning may be more difficult to discern. You have to create a personalized internal system of meaning–and often, you’re starting from scratch. There is no structure, no guideline, no certainty of life after death.
We know they are our best guesses at that time and do not mistake them for the truth. In addition, you do not need meaning to get you to take action. If you lose your job, you don’t need to assume it means that you will not be able to pay your bills, that you will lose your home, that you will never get another job, etc. in order to start looking for a new job. In fact, you will be better able to create strategies for finding a new job if you are not overwhelmed with the fear that would result from such occurrings. For example, if parents get angry when their children didn’t meet their expectations, most children will assign such behavior the meaning that they aren’t good enough.
It can be something small like taking care of your houseplants or something bigger like running your own business. Don’t allow life to drag you along for the ride, take charge by directing your life onto a path that aligns with you. This form of loneliness isn’t born from solitude but from half-hearted engagements. It’s a common frustration in relationships, where genuine connections give way to distracted attention. It’s bittersweet because while seeing the gaps left by unmet needs hurts, there’s also a sense of relief in letting go of impossible expectations. One of the bittersweet realities of growing up was coming to terms with the fact that my parents didn’t give me everything I needed as a kid, and that they probably never would.
I am sitting here today with you, Dr. Lisa now, 20 years later making this podcast and sharing these things with you. I am now in the role of a helper because of what I experienced on 911. It is the reason that I said, “Wait a minute.
A sense of self-understanding is the key to living a meaningful life. This understanding involves comprehension of things like self-attributes, personality, habits, beliefs, and roles. In order to have a unified understanding of yourself, working on life narratives might be a powerful tool given that narratives help us re-evaluate our past experiences into our current and future life context. Looking back after the fact and being able to make that meaning and that sense that there was closure, there were sort of signs that it was coming, helped me wrap my mind around this. It’s okay that it happened this way.” Because before, I had been totally blaming myself and beating myself up.
It simply means to make sure your life is balanced. More than likely, your boss is not going to be the one holding your hand in your final moments. Most meaningful lives are not lived in a bubble. If the friends in your life are not making you better, then they are making you worse. The people in our lives are so important, whether it’s our family, our friends, our partner, or our children. How many of us go for the better paying job instead of the one we actually enjoy?
Settling for feeling comfortable with where you are right now isn’t going to make your life feel meaningful. This example can apply no matter what your highest value is, just replace “family” with the thing you value most, and you’re one big step closer to figuring out what a meaningful life looks like for you. Living a meaningful life ultimately means discerning what is important to you and being true to yourself in the choices you make along the journey. While many of us may agree that certain things are more important than other things, at the end of the day, what looks like a meaningful life to one person may sound awful to someone else. The exercises and tips I shared with you might be quite helpful in leading a more meaningful life.